Will those who abide in sin be saved?

In law school, we learned about legal tests.  The parts of the tests are typically referred to as prongs.  Each prong must be satisfied to pass the test.  For example, in tort law, negligence has a four-prong test.  It requires a duty, breach, cause and harm.  All four of these prongs must be satisfied for negligence to occur.  Salvation can be viewed in a similar way.  It has a two-prong test.  It requires faith in Jesus Christ and repentance (i.e., turning away from sin).  Both prongs must be satisfied for someone to be saved.  When we have faith in Jesus Christ, God grants His righteousness to us.  But we must still repent.  What is repentance?  It can be illustrated with the following parable (i.e., an earthly story with a biblical meaning).  A man was driving a car.  He realized that he was exceeding a posted speed limit.  At the point in time when he became cognizant that he was speeding, he had two choices.  He could slow down or continue speeding.  Driving at an excess speed is akin to sin that the man commits by virtue of his sinful nature.  If the man slows down, so that he is no longer speeding, it can be said that he has repented of his sin (i.e., he has turned away from his sin).  However, if the man continues to speed, he has chosen to abide in sin (i.e., he has chosen not to repent).  What happens in the latter case if judgment comes while he is abiding in sin?  Will he be saved?  Stated another way, will those who abide in sin be saved?

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