Will those who abide in sin be saved?

In law school, we learned about legal tests.  The parts of the tests are typically referred to as prongs.  Each prong must be satisfied to pass the test.  For example, in tort law, negligence has a four-prong test.  It requires a duty, breach, cause and harm.  All four of these prongs must be satisfied for negligence to…
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Is faith without works dead?

Last night, I had a conversation with an extended family member about salvation. Romans teaches that we are saved by faith alone, not by works. I am well aware of this. However, what does it mean? How do you reconcile this with James, who teaches that faith without works is dead? And, how do you…
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Why do Christians share their faith?

Jesus told us to go out to all the ends of the earth and tell everyone about the Gospel – about Jesus, His life, and the eternal life available to us because of His saving grace. He took the punishment for our sins. We are not supposed to keep this a secret. Instead, we are…
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Do Christians judge others?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend, which began with a discussion about the bible’s view on gender reassignment surgery. I was cautioned that we should not judge others because we do not know their circumstances. In this case, it was argued that gender identity may not be a matter of choice.  I believe…
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