Is faith without works dead?

Last night, I had a conversation with an extended family member about salvation. Romans teaches that we are saved by faith alone, not by works. I am well aware of this. However, what does it mean? How do you reconcile this with James, who teaches that faith without works is dead? And, how do you…
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Why do we do those things?

Paul once asked of himself, “Why do I do those things that I should not do, but I do not do those things that I should?” Last night, my family and I attended the cinema presentation of the new movie Annie. I thought that the movie was delightful, but for a few gratuitous inappropriate words….
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Could you be another Paul?

You know, years ago, I thought that God had a great calling for me, like He did for Jonah, who was called to go to Nineveh. With enthusiasm, I shared this with a man, who at the time was the pastor of the church that I was attending. He responded, saying something to the effect…
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What’s Christmas about?

Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s observed by billions of people around the world. It is celebrated with decorations, music, by gathering together, often in festive apparel, feasting and exchanging gifts, and by some, the attendance of a Christmas church service. It’s become more a celebration of mass consumption, consumerism…
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Who is God?

God is a God of grace. It is His desire that no one should perish but that we would all have everlasting life – that we would live forever. He loves us so much, in fact, that He sacrificed His only son in our place for our wrong doings. It is true, God loves us…
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Why do Christians share their faith?

Jesus told us to go out to all the ends of the earth and tell everyone about the Gospel – about Jesus, His life, and the eternal life available to us because of His saving grace. He took the punishment for our sins. We are not supposed to keep this a secret. Instead, we are…
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Have we become desensitized to sin?

The bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His standards never change.  Sin is sin.  Unlike God, our standards have evolved.   There has always been sin but what was once unacceptable behavior in many instances in the past has now become acceptable.  In our recent past, we were so much more…
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Should businesses be open on Sundays?

Should businesses operate on Sundays? The bible says to remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy. We are supposed to work six days a week and rest on the seventh. Does this mean that everyone should honor the same day as the Sabbath? Maybe not but we all should have a day during the week…
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Do Christians judge others?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend, which began with a discussion about the bible’s view on gender reassignment surgery. I was cautioned that we should not judge others because we do not know their circumstances. In this case, it was argued that gender identity may not be a matter of choice.  I believe…
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Why does sin exist?

Why does sin exist?  God created all things, and nothing was created without Him.  So, why does sin exist?  Some Christians say that sin is a byproduct of God giving us free will.  Why did He give us free will?  The Christian response – God gave us free will so that we would freely choose to…
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