How is your relationship with God?

Do you remember when you first fell in love, the euphoric feeling that you experienced?  I couldn’t spend enough time with my wife when I first met her.  I remember sitting up with her until the wee hours of the morning and having to go to work early the next day.  It seems like we got this adrenaline rush that sustained us.  After a while, this tapered off.  And throughout the years, we have found that it takes effort to maintain our relationship, at least a quality relationship.  I discussed some of the things that we do to maintain a quality marriage in our post entitled “How much time do you spend on your marriage?”  When I first committed myself to Christ, I had a similar experience.  I didn’t have a euphoric feeling like I experienced with my wife but it was a unique feeling.  For me, it was an obsession.  This may not happen to everyone but regardless of the feeling that we experience when we first commit to Christ, the quality of our relationship with God will deteriorate if we don’t spend time with Him.  How can we spend time with God?  We can read the bible daily.  We can communicate with God – pray to Him and listen to His still small voice.  When we pray, we can keep a prayer journal so that we can see that God listens and responds to our prayers.  We can worship God and fellowship with other Christians.  This draws us closer to Him.  We can also grow closer to God by serving Him, at our church, in our community, and through mission trips.  What if we saw little of someone and our communication with them was sparse?  Before long, we would likely grow apart.  It certainly wouldn’t cultivate a quality relationship.  It’s like this in our relationship with God.  Is your relationship with God lacking?  Do you want it to improve?  If you want a more rewarding relationship with God, try spending more time with Him.

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