Love your neighbor like yourself

Someone recently told me that the content of this site is not presented in the spirit of “love.”  I hope that others do not share the same opinion.  I do this out of love for others, out of concern for their souls, and out of love for God.  These posts are intended to inspire others to live a more fulfilling life,…
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Are we at risk of eternal suffering?

A few weeks ago, I was reading Leviticus.  I was puzzled by the reference to sin offerings for “unintentional” sins.  Why the particular reference to “unintentional” sins?  We all sin – it’s part of our human nature.  But if the bible makes a particular reference to unintentional sins, then it seems like there would be a reason…
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Are you ruling over your sins?

I went to a men’s chili cook-off this past Sunday evening at our church.  Mike Young, founder of Noble Warriors, a local men’s ministry, admonished the men for the pervasive use of porn in our Christian culture.  He recently had an opportunity to talk with a young woman, who indicated that porn has become epidemic on college campuses.  It’s in open…
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