How much time do you spend on your marriage?

Contrary to the evolving cultural push, marriage is a union between a man and a woman.  It is not between two people of the same sex.  In traditional marriage ceremonies, the two make vows to remain married.  Often, these vows are broken and the marriage is dissolved.  Marriage is not easy, living with the same person, until you die.  That’s what you vow to do in a traditional marriage ceremony.  And there is so much temptation that would wreak havoc in a marriage today.  Many of these temptations have long existed, but today our culture sensationalizes and condones them.  And, our priorities in a marriage often do not favor its longevity.  For Christians, God should always come first.  The husband and wife should always work towards maintaining their relationship with God, and in doing so, they will be drawn closer together.  Then, the spouse should come first after God, first before all else – the children, vocations, domestic responsibilities, hobbies, recreation, before everything else.  And, marriage is work, at least for many.  Most people don’t see it this way.  They spend more time perfecting their vocation or recreation than they spend on their marriage.  Maybe that’s why so many marriages end in divorce.  And then there is the old adage that the grass always appears to be greener on the other side, but most often, it is not, it’s just different grass.  This upcoming year, make a resolution that you can keep.  Spend more time on your marriage.  Read some books about marriage.  Some popular books among Christians include Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs,The Five Love Languages and The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted by Gary Chapman, and Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.  Each of these authors presents conferences in various locations throughout the year.  Conference and speaking schedules are often available online.  Attend a conference with your spouse.  They are often fun and informative.  Do things together, ordinary things.  My wife and I work on the yard together, we go shopping together, we exercise together, and do many other things together.  It takes commitment.  You get out of it what you put into it.  How much time do you put into your marriage?

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