Could you be another Paul?

You know, years ago, I thought that God had a great calling for me, like He did for Jonah, who was called to go to Nineveh. With enthusiasm, I shared this with a man, who at the time was the pastor of the church that I was attending. He responded, saying something to the effect of “Don’t think you’re going to be another Paul.” This was so discouraging. Who was he to say how God would use me? Who was he to limit God? Well, I wasn’t obedient to my calling back then. Now, I believe that God has another great calling for me. Once again, I shared this with someone, who responded in a way that was less than encouraging. This time I am not going to be so easily discouraged. We shouldn’t be discouraged by what others say, or how they react to us. Even Jesus’ own brothers did not believe in Him, and He, who was the Son of God, made a lasting impact on all of mankind. Whether you’re a Christian or not, you should be true to yourself. And if God has a calling for you, be obedient to God. I know people who, in a few short years, have accomplished great things because they were true to themselves, or obedient to God. What if they had fallen prey to criticism? What of those who have accomplished great things? What if they had been adversely influenced by others? Don’t be discouraged by others. Pursue God’s calling for you. Maybe you could be another Paul.

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