How great is the wickedness of man?

On New Year’s Day, I wrote a post entitled “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”  In it, I encouraged readers to read the bible this year, all the way through.  I have taken my own advice.  We all know how the bible begins – the “beginning” as I describe it to my second grade Sunday school class.  In…
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Will those who abide in sin be saved?

In law school, we learned about legal tests.  The parts of the tests are typically referred to as prongs.  Each prong must be satisfied to pass the test.  For example, in tort law, negligence has a four-prong test.  It requires a duty, breach, cause and harm.  All four of these prongs must be satisfied for negligence to…
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Who is God?

God is a God of grace. It is His desire that no one should perish but that we would all have everlasting life – that we would live forever. He loves us so much, in fact, that He sacrificed His only son in our place for our wrong doings. It is true, God loves us…
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Do Christians judge others?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend, which began with a discussion about the bible’s view on gender reassignment surgery. I was cautioned that we should not judge others because we do not know their circumstances. In this case, it was argued that gender identity may not be a matter of choice.  I believe…
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